Hesitant to Leave Home?

With the recent rash of terror attacks, more than a handful of International Educators are reconsidering their decision to teach overseas. France, Belgium, Indonesia, United States, Turkey, Tunisia and other formerly “safe spots” have now taken a place on the “proceed with caution” list.

The possibility of finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time is about as likely as winning the lottery. Still, any increased exposure to the possibility of terror is enough to keep some of us home. In a previous ISR Survey, 360 of the 698 International Educator respondents said the attacks on France and Brussels were not deterrents, and they would continue to live their lives as always while taking the normal precautions one would in any city at home or abroad.

ISR asks: Has the most recent barrage of terror attacks caused you to reassess International Teaching as a career? Take our short Survey and see what International Educators have to say on this topic.

8 thoughts on “Hesitant to Leave Home?

  1. In some places, people I know have been directly affected by the rising unrest in the world. It’s unwise to be quite so flippant about the real dangers that do exist in some parts of the world. While overreacting is unhelpful, you should choose your location with care. Schools will often downplay very real dangers for obvious reasons.


  2. My husband and I are already working on our next overseas job. We’ve been back in the states for a couple of years and are excited about going out again. The way we see it, anything can happen no matter where you are.


  3. I am more concerned about traffic accidents and crime in the USA than about terrorism in MOST countries abroad.


  4. The fifth option could be: Yes, it does concern me but I am working abroad and want to stay in countries were discrimination and abuse of power is evident or is been lately in the news.



  5. My thought is that I probably have a better chance of being gunned down by some nut here in the United States than I do of being caught in a terrorist attack overseas. I have no plans to return home to the US.


    1. Hear, hear! Though I think it’s pretty unlikely that the good schools in Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, etc., will ever be begging for teachers.


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